Facial Fat Transfer vs Dermal Fillers

There’s no such thing as a total consensus in science, and this applies to the finer points of plastic surgery operations as well. If you’re considering obtaining some facial rejuvenation work, you may have questions on whether your operation will utilize facial fat transfers or dermal fillers. Let’s examine facial fat transfer vs dermal fillers at Dr. Sohrab’s oculofacial cosmetic center.

Facial Fat Transfer vs Dermal Fillers

Facial fat transfers involve the transference of fat from other sections of the body to the face in order to compensate for the natural tax that gravity takes on the skin over time. This fat is commonly acquired from areas of the body where fat is abundant, such as the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.

Dermal fillers are synthetic substances that are injected into areas of the face that require rejuvenating attention. One example of one such substance is hyaluronic acid, an off-the-shelf substance. There’s also a substance known as Sculptra, which is a polymer of lactic acid that creates inflammatory reactions in the body which guide tissue volume over time.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fat Transfer

Depending on the scenario and the requirements of each individual case, using either fat or fillers can have advantages or disadvantages.

One doctor points out that fat requires more skill in general to apply than fillers, but may be preferable for sculpting certain sections of the face. This includes areas like the lips, which can compensate for general volume loss by receiving injections of fat cells, which can tighten up loose skin.

One major advantage of using fat is that it often will be called for by discerning or naturally inclined individuals who would prefer to use an organic substance over things like synthetic fillers. Motivations like these have helped to boost the burgeoning interest in the spread of uses of fat by both physician and client alike. The results of a fat facial transfer can be expected to last about two years.

Fat is also easily harvested from other areas of the body while a patient is under the influence of anesthesia, something that has found appeal among certain individuals. That being said, there is also a sentiment among plastic surgery professionals that utilizing fat is still in the beginning stages of its potential use in these kinds of procedures.

Truly, there’s much to learn in terms of the potential uses of readily available bodily fat in plastic surgery operations, which is typically discussed at most major conferences and conventions of those invested.

The Utilization of Synthetic Fillers

Fillers have been traditionally much more widely utilized on the operating table, and thus remain popular and utilitarian for a variety of operations and procedures that remain in popular demand.

Fillers can also be appropriate for people who don’t qualify to safely undergo facial fat transfer operations. This includes individuals who have very low levels of personal fat reserves in their physiques.

Many physicians prefer the use of fillers like Sculptra or Voluma for issues affecting the facial appearance of thin people with little body fat. These substances have remained standbys in the plastic surgery toolbox despite evolutions occurring in the field at large. This is due to their efficacy in addressing certain elements of various operations.

Utilizing The Available Techniques to Achieve Desired Aesthetics

Much of what informs a doctor on whether utilizing fat transfers or dermal fillers will be appropriate has to do with the precise nature of the operation and the sections of the body and physique that will be affected. This means that a surgeon will likely give a patient a unique and quite personal consultation depending on their personal needs and the desired aesthetic outcome of their operation.

Modern techniques have opened up doors for both surgeons and the patients they work for, and the relatively new field of utilizing fat transfers is still in a stage where there is much ground to be broken in the hunt for new aesthetic techniques. As time progresses, there will likely be a multitude of refinements that occur in this exciting area of study for the field.

Each patient and situation is unique, and circumstances will require different substances to be utilized in different manners depending on the unique necessities of any given situation. The science of plastic surgery, though sound, is constantly moving towards new apexes of technique and platforms of knowledge. It shares these qualities with the rest of the medical world.

By aligning our technique with both dependable and traditional methods of operation, along with more novel developments, we can synthesize the best elements of both and arrive at a more fully realized toolset for honing the craft.