How Fillers Improve Eyelid Appearance

Your eyes can say a lot about your personality, your mood, and even your soul. As you get older, your sagging and wrinkled skin will start to warp your appearance altogether. In order to preserve the youthful glow that exists as a part of your personality, you can invest in a number of surgery-free procedures that will restore strength and satisfaction to your face. Below, we cover how fillers improve eyelid appearance.

How Fillers Improve Eyelid Appearance

Experts at your local center for professional eyelid surgery will explain how fillers improve eyelid appearance over time. With a series of quick in-office procedures and no downtime, it is easy to maintain a thriving appearance and great overall skin health.

How Your Eyelids Age Over Time

Did you know that the skin on your upper and lower eyelids is some of the thinnest skin on your body? That is why it is so much easier to see even the smallest blemish as it develops over time. As you get older, your skin will lose its ability to produce two important ingredients: collagen and elastin. Collagen keeps your skin hydrated with healthy nutrients. Elastin helps the skin stay tight and smooth. When these two things start to dwindle, the skin around your eyes will start to look a little lackluster.

Wrinkles, sags, and dark spots can appear on your upper and lower eyelids. This is a natural sign of aging, though it can cause a big loss in self-confidence. We can help you restore any volume or tightness that has been lost over the years due to the process of getting older.

How Fillers Work

We have created a series of tried and tested hyaluronic acid fillers that can be injected directly under the skin. With trusted brands like Juvederm and Restylane, we can instantly rejuvenate the skin and flood it with the ingredients it needs to feel young again.

The filler process is quite simple. Using a syringe, Dr. Mahsa Sohrab will inject fillers underneath the skin right into the targeted area. This instantly improves the area of skin under your eyes, including the lower lids, corners, and crow’s feet. Hyaluronic acid adds volumizing plumpness, while the burst of collagen helps your skin jump right back into action.

It is no wonder that our non-surgical filler options are some of the most popular anti-aging methods on the market!

Additional Benefits of Fillers

Our healthy dermal fillers are designed to not only fill in lost volume and smooth out wrinkles but also to boost your overall health. By adding hydrating ingredients to your skin, you can look and feel younger to prolong the signs of aging in real-time.

Our fillers can also:

  • Show you results that you will notice right away as soon as you leave our office
  • Maintain your facial expressions so you can smile and laugh without restriction
  • Prevent pain and bleeding, since this treatment does not require surgery
  • A subtle but noticeable new look
  • Improvements that can continue to be adjusted as time goes on

Almost anyone can be a good candidate for this procedure. No anesthesia is required, so patients in good general health with decent skin quality can invest in this customizable treatment. As long as you have realistic expectations and you understand what areas of the face you want to improve, you can move forward with our friendly team.

Treatment & Healing

We offer very quick in-and-out office times. Patients who sign up for this personalized treatment can enjoy just 30 – 45 minutes of treatment on average. The injection may cause some numbness or stiffness, but no undue pain is expected. For this reason, there is really no downtime at all. You can leave our clinic and return to your busy schedule without having to lay low.

Of course, there are still plenty of ways to prolong and maintain the results of your treatment while you recover. In a matter of weeks, you will see the full effect of your injections with new and improved features to enjoy.

Sign Up for Dermal Fillers Today

Now that you understand a little bit more about how fillers can improve your eyelid appearance by restoring volume and preventing the signs of aging, you might be encouraged to sign up. You can learn more about choosing the right kind of dermal fillers for eyelids when you reach out to our friendly team at the office of Dr. Mahsa Sohrab. During your initial consultation, you can discuss your specific needs and we will work together to form the perfect treatment plan. We look forward to helping you look and feel younger with each passing day!